Resolved: Driver app invite. Shipment tracking issues.

Opened on Thursday 19th January 2023, last updated

Resolved — Driver app invite issue is now resolved.

Posted by Turvo Team

Identified — Shipment tracking issue is resolved. We are still working on fixing the driver app invites issue. Thanks for your continued patience.

Posted by Turvo Team

Identified — We continue to prepare for a hotfix to resolve the issues. Thanks for your patience.


Identified — Today, during post-R1 release monitoring, we discovered an issue that is preventing the Turvo Driver app and related features from working as expected. The Turvo Driver App is currently unavailable for new invites: We disabled the Driver App functionality until this issue is resolved. This includes the Driver app invite feature, and the Connect button in the Turvo UI under the Accounts section. However, carrier’s can still send invites directly from their Turvo tenant. Also, this does not impact shipments already in progress, this impacts new invites and new Driver App shipment tracking only. Hotfix release planned to resolve this issue: There is currently no workaround; we are working to quickly release a hotfix to resolve these issues. We will post updates on the Turvo Status page as the resolution becomes available at Thanks for your patience


Investigating — Post today's release, we are experiencing issues with new driver app invites. Also, there may be a delay in processing the shipment tracking data. We are investigating these issues.

Posted by Turvo Team